09.2004 – 04.2008
CEP - Centre d'Education Permanente
Learning Manager
Technical position requiring specific knowledge of French continuing education system, including French learning financial institutions, as well as learning engineering.
- Managed 3 Master's Degrees in Human Resources
- Selected, enrolled and followed-up on 320 students
- Handled schedules of lessons for 45 tutors
- Participated in the development of pedagogical material
01.2001 – 08.2003
Globe Langues Solutions Sàrl
Business Talk France Sàrl
Head of Management
Position involved supervision of 300 ongoing learning participants, 30 customer companies and 20 learning consultants.
- Conceived customised pedagogical learning programs based on companies' requests and needs
- Ensured pedagogical follow-up and customer relations during and after the end of learning programs
- Managed the team of learning consultants and all HR-related matters (recruitment, compensation, schedules, conflicts, personal .matters)